Batareynaya St. 4, Sportivnaya Naberezhnaya
Price: 250 ₽
Working hours: Tuesday through Sunday - from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday - from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Located on the central sea boulevard, at the famous Vladivostok Fortress's foot, the oceanarium 'Aquamir' is one of the most visited city attractions. It is a real marine museum that introduces amazingly varied flora and fauna of the Pacific Ocean, tropical seas, lakes and rivers of the Far East, Africa and Amazonia. Vladivostok oceanarium is Eurasian Regional Association's of Zoos and Oceanariums member and is yearly visited by about 200 thousand town's locals and guests.
Oceanarium's exposition is placed in three halls with total area of over 1500 square meters and includes several thousands of water inhabitants and marine exhibits. It is divided into two parts - living and, so called, dry expositions.
'Aquamir's first floor, whose interior imitates tropical forest's nature, is occupied by living exposition, which is devoted to flora and fauna of the Far Eastern seas and Primorsky Krai's freshwater reservoirs. Here you may see different mollusks, Crustaceans, echinoderms, sea fish and other underwater world's representatives, living in thematic and landscape aquariums. There are also freshwater reservoirs' inhabitants: huge kalugas, Amur sturgeons, sterlet. In addition, oceanarium's exposition features scores of carp species, Red Book black breams, American channel sheatfish and mandarin fish. Reptiles - Nile crocodile and rare species of turtles - live in the same hall. In total, Vladivostok oceanarium's aquariums shelter about 120 species of sea inhabitants.
The Marine Museum, whose collection numbers over thousand exhibits, occupies 'Aquamir's second floor. Its showcases introduce collections of sea shells, corals, fish and other sea animals. Unique exhibits include two-century-old Steller's sea cow's skull and embryo of albino sea otter. There are also mummified and stuffed fur seals, penguins, different birds. In addition, thematic dioramas function in the museum.